Southeast Alaska’s summer cruise ship season may be winding down for 2015, but the humpback whales’ bubblenet feeding behavior and acrobatic antics just keep going, going, going. Most of the breeching, pectoral flipper slapping, tail lobbing, peduncle slaps and spyhopping appear to be the
Wildlife Wednesday — Sea Lions Under Siege from Marine Debris
Gastineau Guiding Captain Annette Smith recently captured this heart-wrenching photo of an injured Steller sea lion at Little Island in Favorite Channel just north of Juneau. “I called NOAA and reported it,” Annette said. ” Don’t know what, if anything they did, or
NOAA Declares Whales Deaths in Gulf of Alaska an Unusual Mortality Event
I spent the last three years in the midst of humpback whales, mesmerized while watching them feed, play and sleep throughout the waterways of Alaska’s Inside Passage. This year, five cows migrated from Hawaii to Southeast Alaska with calves in tow, more than I have ever seen.
Gastineau Guiding Adventures * May 24 – 30
Had a great time with my cruise ship guests these last few days. I always feel like I have new friends by the end of each adventure. As a courtesy for my Gastineau Guiding guests, I post these photos for download. If
Gastineau Guiding Adventures * May 12 – 20
Had a great time with my cruise ship guests these last few days. I always feel like I have new friends by the end of each adventure. As a courtesy for my Gastineau Guiding guests, I post these photos for them to
So Much To See, So Little Time
For a city of only about 32,000 residents, Juneau, Aklaska offers too many things to go, see, do during the average cruise ship stop of 6 to 10 hours. Although Juneau was founded in the 1880s with the discovery of gold, gold
Juneau, a Humpback Whale’s Summer Vacation Destination
Whether cruising the inside passage, kayaking across Auke Bay or relaxing atop a bluff overlooking Favorite Channel, you’re likely to see humpback whales lollygagging or logging, lobtailing or flipper slapping, or lunging or plunging in search of scrumptious krill and