Needless to say, seeing my first glacier in Juneau, Alaska in 2013 left me in awe and slack-jawed. It is a vivid memory; an imposing valley glacier glistening white with a topaz blue terminus, cradled between craggy, yet majestic, snow-capped
Slip Sliding Away:
A Coyote is so Much More Than a Cat-Eating Canidae
Interpreting the Misinterpreted
Cover Photo ©Wally Nussbaumer for — Coyotes adapt easily to living near people. In fact, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s (ADF&G) coyote profile states, “In the wake of man’s relentless expansion into wildlife’s domain, few species have
So Mushing Fun – Norris Glacier Dog Sled Adventure
As a naturalist/tour guide for Gastineau Guiding Company, I spend summers leading mountain hikes and glacier viewing walks through the lofty conifers of the majestic Tongass National Forest. And if that was not happiness enough, I also lead humpback whale watching
Wildlife Wednesday: Very Beary Fun
In most U.S. states, we find islands of nature surrounded by a sea of humanity. Alaska on the other hand, has islands of humanity surrounded by a sea of nature. The capital city of Juneau is a prime example. Juneau is home to
Happy Trails – The Magical Wildflower Meadows of Mt. Roberts
One of my favorite Juneau hikes traverses through the seemingly magical alpine meadows of Mt. Roberts, about 2,000 feet above sea level and downtown Juneau. Reaching the wildflower blazon meadows is a strenuous 2+ mile adventure if you are not
Adventures of an Alaskan Naturalist — February meeting of the American Cetacean Society/OC
Want to know why I am so mesmerized by Juneau and its marine mammals? Drop into my presentation on my experiences with Alaska whales at the February meeting of the American Cetacean Society/OC meeting. It’s free to attend. Thursday, February
Wildlife Wednesday — Sea Lions Under Siege from Marine Debris
Gastineau Guiding Captain Annette Smith recently captured this heart-wrenching photo of an injured Steller sea lion at Little Island in Favorite Channel just north of Juneau. “I called NOAA and reported it,” Annette said. ” Don’t know what, if anything they did, or
So Much To See, So Little Time
For a city of only about 32,000 residents, Juneau, Aklaska offers too many things to go, see, do during the average cruise ship stop of 6 to 10 hours. Although Juneau was founded in the 1880s with the discovery of gold, gold
EXTRA! News You Can Use: Killer Whales, Sea Otters, Aurora Borealis…
I am constantly scanning for information, research, articles and videos on Alaska wildlife, natural history, culture, forest, fishing and more. I may occasionally insert an item not Alaska-related. The news will not always be good or happy news, but it will be worthy of
EXTRA! News You Can Use: Flight Seeing, Bad Bears, Berrymania
To truly understand the majesty of Alaska, to understand a very different way of life, I offer you Alaska-related Headlines of the Week, links to news generated by reputable news sources. Aug. 21 Photos Essay: For